Oct 8, 2024
Automate entry of sales orders into Quickbooks and sync with QuickBooks Inventory and Invoicing

Daniel Emaasit, CEO
TLDR: The Logistify AI Assistant automates the manual process of entry of sales orders into your QuickBooks and syncs with your QuickBooks Inventory and Invoicing, in real-time! The value for Manufacturers and Distributors is 90% reduction in labor costs of data entry clerks, 90% reduction in return orders due to data-entry errors, & 50% faster order fulfillment which increases customer satisfaction and repeat orders.
The Problem

Here's what we've discovered from speaking to 100s of small & medium-sized manufacturers and distributors in Uganda.
A majority of them use Intuit Quickbooks Online (QBO) for both accounting and inventory management. While QBO is great at accounting, it basically lacks a sales-ordering process, a core function for manufacturers and distributors. You see, if your sales-ordering process is not automatically synced with your inventory, you risk over-selling/over-committing or backorders.
Now here's where it gets interesting. These manufacturers have been requesting for this feature for the last 5 years but Intuit is yet to ship it. 😯 Today, they have to manually enter sales orders into a spreadsheet and then manually check with current stock available in QBO Inventory to avoid over-selling.

The Solution
We've built the Logistify AI Assistant to solve this problem. It's like ChatGPT for logistics and supply chain managers. The Logistify AI assistant automatically fetches sales orders from their WhatsApp/Email/SMS/Phone calls into the Logistify Sales-Order Management System. Then with our QB integration, we snyc with the current available stock in their Quickbooks inventory. This reduces over-selling/over-committing. The value for Manufacturers and Distributors is:
90% reduction in labor costs of data entry clerks,
90% reduction in return orders due to data-entry errors, &
50% faster order fulfillment which increases customer satisfaction and repeat orders.
Who is Logistify AI for?
The Logistify AI Assistant is for logistics and supply-chain managers who are responsible for sales-order management and inventory planning & management. Checkout our features page to see the list of automations the AI Assistant already performs.
How do I get started?
Simply email me at daniel@logistify.ai or WhatsApp +254 115 395572 with a workflow you need automated, and I'll help you skip the waitlist. I will onboard you myself.